Responsible AI Toolkit

The Responsible AI Toolkit is a curated collection of resources for enabling
ethically-aware development of Artificial Intelligent systems


  • Readings: Articles, reports and other documents for deeper dives in the state of the art in AI

  • Ethics tools: Guidelines and methodologies for assessing the ethical and social impact of AI systems

  • Technical tools: Algorithms, methods and libraries supporting ethically aware development of AI systems

  • Governance tools: Standards, recommendations, regulatory documents and policy briefs related to AI

and now, dive deeper!

Don't know where to start? Check the recommended resources below, or our resources on cybersecurity, or ethical assessments.

Recommended resources:

ALTAI - The Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

ALTAI - The Assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Swiss National Cyberstrategy

Swiss National Cyberstrategy (NCS): A Quantitative Assessment of the Cybersecurity Research Landscape
NIST AI Risk Management Framework

NIST AI Risk Management Framework
OCEANIS-Global AI Standards Repository

OCEANIS Global AI Standards Repository

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ZHAW Centre for Artificial Intelligence

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